Alexandria Taylor, PharmD, BCPS attained her PharmD degree at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy where she completed the Global Health Area of Concentration. She is also an alum of the University of Pittsburgh's Bridging the Gaps Internship and Pittsburgh Schweitzer Fellowship. After graduation, Dr. Taylor completed a PGY1 Pharmacy Residency, PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency, and Faculty Development Fellowship at UPMC St. Margaret. Following her post graduate training, she accepted her current position where she splits her clinical time between the inpatient family medicine teaching service and the outpatient family health centers. She has a passion for addressing health disparities and improving health outcomes for all. Dr. Taylor is active in ACCP and STFM national organizations.
- University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
- PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency, UPMC St. Margaret, 2022
- Faculty Development Fellowship, UPMC St. Margaret, 2022
- PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, UPMC St. Margaret 2021
- Doctor of Pharmacy- University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy